Monday, June 29, 2009

I can hardly believe the year is more than half over, wow, where does the time go? I spent several months of it sitting in a recliner thinking about all of the things I would like to do and waiting for the day when I would be up and about again. They sure don't prepare you mentally or in any other way for the recovery of rotator cuff surgery. I had no clue. It was not only very painful for a very long time, the recovery involves HARD work! I have all but quit my therapy and know I need to resume, and tell myself, I'll start again tomorrow, tomorrow doesn't seem to come--okay today! I'll start again today. Anyway, if you need the surgery, you need to talk to someone about what to expect so that you can make the proper adjustments, there will be many to make- who will help me get dressed, what type of clothing will be impossible, when will I be able to drive, when can I return to my own bed-etc. enough about that. Friends were wonderful! After 3 months of taking off teaching, I am teaching painting again.

I have made a few trips to Gatlinburg area this year with friends and went to Cades Cove. My friend, Margo, got out of the car when I got back in to photograph a mother bear & her 3 cubs. I'll share the photos with you. They were so fuzzy and cute. But, I know you have to be careful. I know you only have to outrun the slowest person to get away, I know of no one that I can outrun, so, I got back into the car. I'm not overweight, it's a heart thing. I love the pictures and plan to paint many of them. I did do a recent bear painting that I will share with you later. It is hanging at the Sycamore Shoals Art Show for this month. I didn't get any photos. I did also sell an original yesterday at the artist reception. Lucky for me, a friend photographed it for me before it was gone forever. I did come home and painted this tiger last night. I do love painting wildlife. Oh--I 'll share with you the eagle I painted for my DH for father's day.

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